Razor Gator cleans disposable razors. Eliminates
disposable razor gunk. Get a great, close shave
with a disposable razor with Razor Gator!

Prevent Razor Burn, Razor Rash, and Razor Bumps
on this disposable razor and other disposable
razors caused by razor gunk.Disposable razors
have been around for a hundred years or so. King
Camp Gillette's design and the first company he
formed, the American Safety Razor Corporation,
did a good
job of keeping men's faces clean shaven. But back
in those days, if you were a female who shaved
her legs smooth--you were accused of being a woman
of ill repute. Don't even think about the armpits,
that was two decades later. A man shaving anything
but his face would be accused of being "effeminate".
Today, men and women alike use their disposable
razors to do just about anything. Problem is,
disposable razors haven't changed much since their
original design, except for the fact that every
few years, they add another blade. Or another
smooth strip with aloe. Increased blade friction
plus increased amounts of shaving areas today
has lead to serious problems with razor burns
and rashes. There are many remedies and
treatments for razor burn caused by disposable
razors, but preventing these skin rashes from
starting is the best remedy. Disposible razors
were not really designed to handle today's razor
gunk* load. That's where Razor Gator Cleaning
Tool can help. Razor Gator is the world's first
disposable razor cleaning tool, specifically designed
to eliminate razor gunk that accumulates on your
blade during your shave. It keeps your blade edge
clean and reducing skin friction, preventing razor
burn, razor rash and razor bumps. Keep your edge.
Lather up. Shave smooth. Don't worry, you've got
Razor Gator.