University of Florida Gators
The images below show bacterial growth
on agar plates, innoculated with "razor
gunk" from the blades of a disposable
razor. Razor Gator' cleaning and sanitizing
action causes a statistically significant
reduction in bacteria on the head/blades
of the razor. This bacterial elimination
effect is immediate and this bacterial reduction
effect is still present at 24 hours--about
the time when one would be re-applying the
razor blades to one's face skin. |
Plate 1: head of razor swabbed immediately after
shave and water rinse.
1: head of razor swabbed immediately after
shave and water rinse.
Results: Razor Gunk contains 'billions'
of bacterial colonies, as seen by the
growth on the agar plates. |
2. head of razor swabbed 24 hours after
shave and water rinse.
Results: Razor Gunk supports the growth
of bacteria even when the blade is left
to dry for 24 hours. Material plated on
agar grew as many colonies as did plate
1. |
3. head of razor swabbed immediately after
shave, and use of RAZOR GATOR
Results: Razor Gator cleans and sanitizes
the blade head, removing over 99% of the
bacteria present in razor gunk. |
4. head of razor swabbed 24 hours after
shave and use of RAZOR GATOR.
Results: Razor Gator removes over 99%
of the bacterial colonies present, thus
reducing their subsequent growth over
24 hours. |
Bacterial infections that fester in abraded
facial skin are a source of razor rash and can
be reduced with regular use of Razor Gator.
Razor Gator is not associated with the University of Florida
Gators, Gatorade, or RazorGator
Ticket Sales.
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